Mission Possible: PCI Scope Reduction

April 27, 2022
Products and Services | Whitepapers/eBooks

PCI Compliance eBook cover

PCI compliance is seldom on the top of any IT professional’s list of “favorite things.” It can be complicated, time-consuming, and expensive. However, there are ways to make achieving and maintaining PCI compliance less onerous. One of them is scope reduction. PCI scope reduction refers to minimizing the footprint of your cardholder data environment — the environment in which any cardholder information is processed or touched in any way.

Reducing PCI scope requires first understanding your cardholder data environment, as well as all the system components that are located within or connected to it. You also must know all the flows of cardholder data and the locations involved, and who and/or what can initiate a connection to any of the systems that handle cardholder data. From there, you can assess various ways for shrinking it whether by employing network segmentation, point-to-point encryption, tokenization, outsourcing or some other method. For more detailed information, download US Signal’s free eBook: Simplify PCI Compliance. Reduce PCI Scope