Partnering for Compliance in the Cloud

October 4, 2022
Products and Services | Whitepapers/eBooks

Partnering for Compliance eBook cover

From PCI DSS to HIPAA, regulatory requirements can raise the blood pressure of even the most knowledgeable, experienced IT professional. The anxiety can build even more when the requirements are associated with cloud services.

Compliance in the cloud can be complicated and time-consuming. Few IT departments have the expertise and resources to sort through the complexities. One way to alleviate some of the stress is to work with a cloud services provider (CSP) that is PCI- and/or HIPAA-compliant.

In this eBook, we discuss what to look for in PCI- and/or HIPAA-compliant CSPs. We also cover some of the various considerations that go into helping ensure your compliance in the cloud.

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