Scalable, Secure + Sustainable

Sustainability has become a major issue for businesses around the world. As companies grow and expand their operations, they often increase their carbon footprint and contribute to environmental problems such as climate change. But it doesn't have to be this way.

At US Signal, we are committed to taking a different approach. We believe that it's possible to build and operate data centers in a scalable and sustainable way. To this end, we have partnered with DTE Energy and Consumers Energy sustainability programs to make all of our Michigan data centers and offices powered by renewable energy by 2026.

This move will not only help us reduce our carbon footprint, but it will also benefit our clients. By hosting their data in green data centers, our clients can meet their sustainability goals, reduce their own carbon footprint, and save with rebates and other opportunities from DTE Energy and Consumers Energy.

Join us on this journey toward sustainability, and let's build a greener future together. Take the first step and schedule a data center tour today.


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VMware Zero Carbon Committed - Partnering for a sustainable future

US Signal is a proud VMware Zero Carbon Committed provider. VMware Zero Carbon Committed providers have set goals to power their data centers with 100% renewable energy or achieve carbon neutrality on or before 2030. Providers in this program are VMware Cloud Verified – using the full VMware Cloud infrastructure to provide unparalleled and energy-efficient cloud services to their customers.

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DTE Energy’s MIGreenPower program

US Signal participates in DTE Energy’s MIGreenPower program. Through our enrollment, we are matching 100% of our energy use for Detroit Metro and Southfield Data Centers to DTE’s wind farms and solar parks by 2026. This investment in renewable energy is helping to protect the environment and create a cleaner Michigan for all of us.

Consumers Energy’s Business Renewable Energy Program

US Signal is proud to participate in Consumers Energy's Business Renewable Energy Program. Through our enrollment, we are matching 100% of our energy use for Grand Rapids East, Grand Rapids South Data Centers and US Signal's headquarters, to Consumers Energy's Michigan-based wind farms and solar parks by 2026.

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Why do green data centers matter?

Green data centers are a critical component of a sustainable future. Data centers already consume a significant amount of energy, and as the world creates and stores more data every day, that number will only increase. By switching to green data centers, we can dramatically reduce our environmental impact while still meeting the needs of our clients.

Ready to learn more? Click the buttons below to explore our blogs and resources on sustainability.



Schedule a Data Center Tour

At US Signal, we firmly believe that the future of data centers must be scalable, secure, and sustainable. We are committed to taking a leadership role in this critical area and ensuring that our clients can move forward with confidence and a clear conscience. Join us on this journey toward sustainability, and let's build a greener future together.