Statistics Don’t Lie: The Need for Advanced Email Security

June 7, 2022
Data Protection, IT Security, IT Services

Statistics Don’t Lie: The Need for Advanced Email Security

With email a primary form of business communications and employees, on average, receiving or sending 126 business emails per day, it’s no surprise that email is one of the leading targets for cybercriminals. However, these statistics ─ gathered from numerous research studies and surveys ─ shine a spotlight on just how bad the situation is:

  • It’s estimated that 3.4 billion phishing emails are sent out each day around the world.
  • Approximately 94% of cyber-attacks are carried out via email.
  • Almost half of all the emails sent in 2021 were phishing emails.
  • Phishing causes approximately 90% of data breaches.
  • A single data breach can cost companies of all sizes an average of $200,000.
  • Approximately 1.385 million new phishing web pages are set up each month.
  • The United States is the most problematic country regarding phishing emails.
  • More than 90% of cyber-attacks begin as spear-phishing emails. Spear phishing is a type of social engineering in which attackers target a specific individual or individuals within a company through their social media presence and then create a phishing email campaign tailored specifically to that person or persons.
  • One-fifth (20%) of employees are likely to click on a phishing email link accidentally.
  • Millennials and Gen Z-ers are the ones who most easily fall for phishing emails.
  • One of the most common types of malware delivery via scam email includes Office doc files with 45% of malware, followed by Windows apps with 26% of the same.

With all the email security solutions on the market, how can email threats be such a serious problem?

Many companies don’t take the time to reevaluate the capabilities and effectiveness of their current solutions. Nor do they investigate new technologies.

Consider that legacy email security technologies, such as sandboxing, assess threats reactively. This limits how much traffic can be scanned and delays malware verdicts by up to 20 minutes. A lot of damage can take place in 20 minutes.

Cybercriminals continue to become more sophisticated and innovative. Their methods are always evolving. For example, many standard email security solutions can’t detect advanced evasion techniques that cybercriminals are now using to hide malicious content.

There are also those organizations that simply choose to rely on the basic email hygiene capabilities of Google and Microsoft. Despite these companies investing and updating their security capabilities, they’re still often limited in what they offer. Licensing can be complex (and expensive), as can determining what’s included with what. Many businesses don’t take advantage of features that are available because they don’t exist.

Plus, effective email security requires not only the selection of the correct products, with the required capabilities and configurations. It also requires having the right operational procedures in place. Employee training can’t be underestimated.

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Multi-technology Email Security

So, in terms of technology solutions, are there any that can more successfully combat email threats? There are, but the best among them don’t work alone.

In terms of IT security, we talk about defense in depth (DiD), an approach to cybersecurity in which a series of defensive mechanisms are layered in order to protect valuable data and information. If one mechanism fails, another steps up to immediately thwart an attack. This same strategy applies to optimal email security.

Employing multiple security technologies and other tactics is the best way to provide the most comprehensive email protection. That’s what US Signal’s Advanced Email Security offers.

It combines multiple scanning engines, in-depth threat intelligence, and a combination of best-in-class security technologies to provide broad, in-depth protection against the wide range of email threats before they can reach users’ inboxes. That includes spam, phishing, spoofing, business email compromises (BECs), advanced persistent threats (APTs), and even the stealthy zero-day malware attacks that are behind the majority of data breaches.

The solution integrates hardware visibility with software agility, enabling it to see what other security solutions miss. It recursively unpacks embedded files and URLs, and then separately analyzes them with dynamic and static detection engines. This enables Advanced Email Security to detect advanced evasion techniques used to hide malicious content, preventing malware and other email threats that make it past conventional defenses.

In addition, the solution employs proprietary software algorithms that examine code at the CPU level. As such, it can act earlier in the attack chain to block exploits before malware is released. Legacy email security technologies, such as sandboxing, assess threats reactively. This limits how much traffic can be scanned and delays malware verdicts by up to 20 minutes. The technology in Advanced Email Security scales easily, so it can cover 100% of the email traffic. This shortens scanning time to a maximum of 30 seconds. Verdicts are delivered almost immediately.

Advanced Email Security also uses technologies such as machine-intelligence-enhanced Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC), DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), and Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record checks. Few, if any, solutions integrate so many different best-in-class technologies.

There’s More

Advanced Email Security offers additional features that aren’t common among other email security solutions. For example, it stops threats delivered via internal email addresses, preventing malware from spreading laterally throughout an organization. It also includes the support of an expert intelligence team that continuously monitors all customer traffic, analyzes malicious intent, and provides ongoing reporting and 24/7 support.

It can be used with Microsoft 365, Microsoft Exchange, Open-Xchange, Gmail, or any cloud email service, and is SOC2 compliant, HIPAA certified, GDPR compliant, and CCPA compliant.

US Signal Managed Security Portfolio

In addition to Advanced Email Security, US Signal offers an extensive portfolio of managed security solutions. You can learn more about them here. Security advisory services are also available. For more information, contact us.