Calculate Your Cloud Migration Costs

August 8, 2022
Products and Services | Whitepapers/eBooks

It’s possible to start using the cloud simply by inputting a credit card number on a cloud service provider’s website. However, it typically requires a lot more for businesses to leverage cloud services.

There are expenses associated with migrating workloads to the cloud, from building out the appropriate cloud environment to the actual migration method. This guide helps you estimate those costs to give you an idea of how to budget for a cloud migration.

Inside, you'll find information on:

  • How to calculate your current IT costs
  • How to estimate the costs for cloud environment to handle the same workloads as your on-premise environment
  • Cost considerations associated with architecting an optimal cloud environment and making your apps cloud-ready
  • Post-migration costs
  • And much more.

Complete the form to download On-Premises vs the Cloud: Comparing Costs and Making the Move now.