Posted in Cloud

The Benefits of the Cloud for Logistics Companies
The Benefits of the Cloud for Logistics Companies

August 9, 2023
Cloud, Logistics

It may be a bit overkill to say the cloud has revolutionized the logistics industry. But there’s no denying that it has had a positive impact on it — or at least it has for those companies that have chosen to take advantage of cloud infrastructure and services. Here are some of the more significant benefits the cloud [...]

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Cloud Migration: What Goes First?
Cloud Migration: What Goes First?

May 23, 2023
Cloud, Data Migration, Storage

Cloud Migration: What Goes First? Whether you’re interested in testing out the cloud with a few workloads or are executing a full-scale cloud migration, you must determine which workloads will go first. But don’t just randomly pick a few. Workload Assessment Before deciding which workloads to move and which will go, [...]

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The Cloud and Machine Learning
The Cloud and Machine Learning

February 28, 2023

The Cloud and Machine Learning For years, IT and business professionals have been talking about the cloud and all the amazing things it enables, like speed to market, collaboration, and reduced capital expenditures. Now it’s time to discuss the cloud and machine learning (ML). What is Machine Learning ML, a subset of [...]

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Time to Go Cloud Native
Time to Go Cloud Native

August 30, 2022

Employing cloud native app development enables companies to more fully leverage the cloud’s benefits to reduce time to market and innovate more quickly.

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