Posted in Customer Service

A Look at US Signal's People-Centric Culture
A Look at US Signal's People-Centric Culture

May 14, 2024
Customer Service

Customer centricity. Customer-focused approach. Customer obsessed. Employee-first culture. Employees are our greatest assets. They’re all common phrases and sayings used in business, each with its own meaning and angle on how it affects an organization’s culture. What they share, however, is the focus on people. It’s a [...]

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Prioritizing IT Service Delivery
Prioritizing IT Service Delivery

January 11, 2024
Customer Service

IT service delivery is a standard responsibility of IT teams, but there’s more to it than just providing access to technologies. How the services are delivered can also affect customer satisfaction and the ability to meet business requirements. Time-saving, revenue-generating, profit-building technologies are — or at [...]

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The People Side of Tech Support at US Signal
The People Side of Tech Support at US Signal

November 14, 2023
Customer Service, IT Security

A majority of our daily lives involve interacting with various technologies. And in the course of those interactions, most of us seldom think about the actual technologies involved — unless they aren’t working or need to work better or faster. In those instances, we expect some form of “tech support” to help. [...]

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